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N2Container (originally named ConbexNN) is an execution stack for neural networks using the Kubernetes container orchestration and a Java based microservice architecture, which is exposed to users and other systems via RESTful webservices.  
The whole workflow including importing, training and evaluating a neural network model, becomes possible by using this service oriented approach.  
N2Container is influenced by «N2Sky», a framework for the exchange of neural network specific knowledge and aims to support ViNNSL, the Vienna Neural Network Specification Language.  
The execution stack runs on many common cloud platforms. Furthermore it is scalable and each component is extensible and interchangeable. 
It will also be integrated into «N2SkyC». 
The project is Open-Source and available on «GitHub». 
Vinnsl NN UI in N2Container
Abbildung 1: Vinnsl NN UI in N2Container
Letzte Änderung: 17.09.2018, 14:58 | 153 Worte