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standing for web-based visualization of Algorithms and Data Structures is an e-learning platform for students taking the self-titled course Algorithms and Data Structures at the University of Vienna. It utilizes the experiences of previous similar projects of the research group Workflow Systems and Technology, such as VADer and NetLuke and extracts the minimalistic mantra: no installation or configuration effort, multi device support, clear structure of didactical content and simple extensibility for developers. Based purely on HTML5 and JavaScript with the smallest use of external libraries it is designed according to the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern and works as a fat client. 

webAD 2.x

The actual version of webAD (2.x) realizes responsive design. Further some design brush-up was done. It is encouraged to use this version for usage and new contributions. 
The code of webAD 2.0 can be downloaded from «webAD2.0 GitHub repository». 
The running system can be found «» (or «HERE» as backup). Please disable Adblockers and enable JavaScript. 

webAD 1.x (Old version, deprecated)

The original master thesis of Volodimir Begy, the chief architect of the system, with respective information on contributing to the system can be found «HERE». 
The original version of webAD (1.x) can be downloaded from «HERE», resp. from «webAD1.0 GitHub repository» 
The running system can be found «HERE». 

Latest publications on webAD:

  1. A Lightweight e-Learning System for Algorithms and Data Structures. 
    Begy, Volodimir and Schikuta, Erich and Aumüller, Steve and Fagagnini, Laura and Habetinek, Robert and Hirsch, Bernhard and Kronfuß, Kathrin and Mangat, Amolkirat S. and Tarasiewicz, Yasmin and Tomic, David. In: 18th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2016), 28-30 November 2016, Singapore (2016) «» 
  2. webAD: Visualizing Algorithms and Data Structures in Educational Environment.  
    Begy, Volodimir and Schikuta, Erich. In: EdMedia 2016 - World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, June 28-30, 2016, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2016), «» 
Letzte Änderung: 21.04.2020, 12:18 | 355 Worte