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Nursing Process

The nursing process guides nurses through the task of finding a fitting therapy plan for a patients problems. 
It is embedded into the patients life cycle, which is also shortly outlined on this page. 

The Patients Life Cycle

When a new patient comes into a nursing center, the nurses have to find out about his overall situation first, so they can treat him as the individual which he is. 
During this first anamnesis they gather all data available, including medical records, his preferences etc. 
Based on this information, a basic therapy plan is initiated for the patient. 
This therapy plan may include tasks like a special diet (maybe he is a diabetic), some kinds of exercise therapy, or anything else. 
During his stay at the nursing center, there may come up situations, where his therapy plan has to be adapted. 
For example, the patient gets sick and can't go out for his daily walks in the park anymore, or he has some other problems which require a change in his daily routine. 
These adaptations to his therapy plan are guided by the nursing process. 
When the patient leaves the nursing center, a final report is generated. 

The nursing process

The nursing process is a cybernetic control loop, thus guiding the adaptations to a patients therapy plan. It consists of the following steps: 
Letzte Änderung: 11.07.2014, 12:38 | 427 Worte