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The Goals of NESSI (up)

NESSI is the European Technology Platform dedicated to Software and Services. Its name stands for the Networked European Software and Services Initiative [NESSI (2005a)]. NESSI was launched in September 2005 by industry in support of strategic area of software and services.  
The main goal of NESSI is to develop a visionary unified European Strategy for Software and Services driven by a common European Research Agenda where innovation and business strength are reinforced by [NESSI (2005b)]:  

NEXOF – The NESSI Open Service Framework (up)

From its initial vision, NESSI has defined through its Strategic Research Agenda volumes (see [NESSI-Grid (2008)] for the latest version) the service environment NEXOF – the NESSI Open Service Framework. NEXOF is the integrated, consistent and coherent set of technologies, methods and tools developed to support the goals of NESSI. It provides a generic open source platform for creating and delivering applications. It allows to create service based ecosystems. It will enable a service provider to offer third parties the development of applications. These will be hosted by the service provider, through a rich service platform for creating, hosting, running and operating “software as a service” (SaaS) applications.  
In a nutshell, NEXOF is the service environment intended to be deliverd by NESSI and comprises the following core elements [ref:De Panfilis, S. (2007)]: 
Abbildung 1: NEXOF-RA

NESSIs Holistic Model (up)

The NESSI Holistic Model and the NESSI Open Service Framework (NEXOF). In order to promote and make real the transformation of the European economy to fully employed service economy, NESSI is defined in the context of a holistic approach towards ecosystems in which all the parties involved coexist and which can develop into a new economic model. This holistic model embraces the whole service area and, as depicted in the following picture, puts a NESSI approach and technologies as key elements in the EU economy transformation [xxx2]. NESSI is about transforming the EU economy through Service Oriented business models. 
NESSI Holistic View
Abbildung 2: NESSI Holistic View
In this context NEXOF is the technological environment that will make all of this happen, as NEXOF is intended to support the whole NESSI model. 

NESSI - Strategic Projects (up)

NESSI has defined a research structure. In this structure, NESSI Research projects are on-going collaborations, which are either NESSI Strategic Projects (NSPs) which each contribute key elements to NEXOF or NESSI Compliant Projects which either contribute or are compliant to NEXOF. These strategic projects are designed to produce complementary results to be integrated in NEXOF. 
In the following we focus on SOA4All - NESSI's Strategic Project dealing with the semantic layer of the relevant technology domains. Semantics will be a key element for the transformation of information to knowledge. Based on ontologies web technologies will enable far more effective machine to machine communication about the nature and the manipulation of data they hold and actions based upon that data [NESSI (2005a)]
NESSIs Technology Domains
Abbildung 3: NESSIs Technology Domains
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Letzte Änderung: 27.06.2009, 16:51 | 1074 Worte